Let's Connect! - Schedule Telephone Consultations

Let's talk by phone to see if we are a good match for one another!

Want to talk live?  

Give us a call right now at 706-654-6268.  

We try to answer the phones every day of the week from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

However, if you are busy right now, please complete this form and we will give you a call on the day and time you request: 

  • What is the best number to reach you?
  • Is there another number where you can be reached?
  • We will try to call you immediately. However, if there are specific days and time you are available please let us know here. You can also call us anytime at 706-654-6268.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

North Georgia Weddings LLC

Reach out to the Small Wedding Experts!    Cyndi Durham (L),  Delaney Durham (C), and Rev Rick Durham (R)

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